Build Relationships with Your LegislatorsAs a member of Destinations Florida, you are encouraged to actively participate in the legislative process. Building relationships with your legislators in your home district is the single best thing you can do to help protect the Tourist Development Tax funds and ensure that those funds will be used only as intended, to promote tourism marketing. We have put together this advocacy toolkit, to give you a step-by-step guide on how to build a relationship with your legislators: 1. If you are not sure who your legislators are, here are links to the Florida Senate and House of Representatives website. You can enter your address at either of these links to find your legislators: 2. Send a letter to your legislator, introducing yourself and your organization and outlining the importance of tourism marketing. 3. Schedule an in-district/state visit with your legislator and/or their staff.
4. Invite your legislator to to take a tour of your offices – let them see first-hand just how big and critical our industry is and the quality jobs it brings to our state. 5. Participate in Tourism Day Tallahassee on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. 6. Follow up with your legislators and staff and keep in touch often. Offer to be a resource to your legislators and their staff.